Thursday, September 27, 2007

Not TMI Meme

We've been tagged by Kelly Cat at "It's All Good" and by The Meezers at "Meezer Tails" for a meme. The guidelines for this tag:
  • Link to your tagger and post these rules
  • Write some facts about yourself: some random, some weird, some just plain
  • Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them)
  • Let those 7 people know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

The challenge is to keep it interesting without making the reader think “Um, too much information…”

Midnite you can go first: I was truly a feral cat - when I got caughted I was mad as a wet hen. I hissed, I cried, I clawed to get out of the cage she put me in. She didn't want to let me in the house yet in case I was sick because there were three other cats in the house. Mom was patient and within three days I was like putty in her hands. She took me to the v-e-t and he pronounced me "healthy" so I got to go inside. I am pretty shy and usually don't come out when company comes - although since we've moved to Florida I find I visitors more tolerable.

SK (Stray Kitty) your turn: I really was not feral because I wasn't mad or mean when I arrived. I just walked in. If those kids hadn't be trick or treating at mom's house I probably would still be on the streets. Mom wasn't sure if she would keep me but she took me to the v-e-t and he said I was a strong mancat - end of story - I was staying.

Mom: I lived most of my life in Northern Virginia where I worked for 30 years for the US government. I retired 5 years ago and moved to Florida with my mom (Nanny) who is soon to be 85 years old and my brother. Nanny just went through a scare with kidney disease where she went on dialysis for about 3 months. She is now off and doing great.

Since we are so late with our meme we thinks most other folks have already been tagged. We'll try to do better next time.


LZ said...

That was fun! I'm glad to learn more about you all. Florida sounds like a nice place with better visitors all around.


Forty Paws said...

We are glad that you are indoor only kitties. Much safer that way.

Luf, Us

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I enjoyed learning more about the two of you and your mom! Midnite and Stray Kitty, I'm very glad the two of you were rescued and found a wonderful Forever Home!

Daisy said...

I liked learning more about you all. Where in Florida do you live? We live in a place called Parkland (Broward county).

Unknown said...

That was very fun to learn more about you. I bet Florida is a nice place to live, very warm. I live in southern Canada, but it still gets rather cold here.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

That was wunderful to learn all about you, now SEND LISSARDS!!

Precious Flower

No, please ignore the above post. Thank you.
CalicoMom Toni

The Furry Fighter said...

hello astor cats - thanks you for coming to my bloggie! i love meeeting new furrrends very much

i hope Nanny is better now! give her many purrs xxx

The Cat Realm said...

You kitties are so generous! To include your bean in the meme - it never occurred to us. Ever. To let the maid or the butler participate... Maybe next time we will...

Zoolatry said...

Hi to the Astors... we think you are nearly neighbors! We are Maggy and Zoey of Zoolatry... you stopped by our blog recently, and left a nice note (Thank You!)... we've done a picture for you... but don't know how to send it to you... if you email us, we'll send it back at ya...
Thanks! Talk to you soon we hope!

Karen Jo said...

I have seen you commenting on other blogs, so I thought I would come for a visit. I enjoyed learning about you from your meme. I am really glad that you were both rescued and now have a great forever home.

Mickey's Musings said...

That was good.I like to know about
how cats got their homes and other facts too.Midnite,I bet you don't mind being indoors with Mom now!
Stray Kitty, you had a knack for picking the right house.
Mom,you have 2 cute kitties and I bet you spoil them as well as your Mom!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

well dis iz verree intrestin.
thank u fer da infermashun!

Tara said...

Sounds like you two found the purrfect forever home!

Anonymous said...

That was a great TT. It is wonderful that your mom took both of you in. We have never been to Florida but mom has and she said is kind of hot.

Anonymous said...

You did fine, you guys. Was that your first meme? It was nice to read those things you shared, and of course it's always excellent to hear about a little stray who finds a Forever Home...