Friday, September 21, 2007

Sleeping Place

This is my faborite place to sleep! It's the koolest place in the house.

Mom, I think the sink is shrinking. Time for a replacement? Maybe you should just stop putting water in it. What do you think?

Since mom got the new thrones I don't sleep quite as soundly here but as you can see I'm still working on it.


LZ said...

That is one of my favorite places to sleep too.


Forty Paws said...

We can't sleep in our sinks because Maw keeps water in them so Annie doesn't use them as her personal litter box. So we drink out of them instead. Yup.

Glad to hear you got new thrones. Hopefully your plumbing problems are resolved.

Luf, Us

Mr. Hendrix said...

man, i think you need to get that sink stretched out. if it is getting smaller, it should totally be replaced. like mommy's pants. when they shrink, you know, in the dryer, she has to get new ones!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

I slept there once when it was super-duper hot here. It was a purrfect size for me. I show you a pic sometime.


Lux said...

What a wonderfully comfy sink that appears to be!

Anonymous said...

Awww, you look so cozy in the sink! It looks like it's the purrfect size. *smile*

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Sasha said...

I think our basin would be too small for me to sleep in, as we have a very tiny one. You look very comfortable in yours.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

You look lovely in that sink. It's actually a perfect size for you but if I were you I wouldn't gain any weight. Not that you're fat... it's just that you won't fit in the sink.

The Cat Realm said...

That is a fabulous place to hang out in the summer!

lordjaders said...

Arrre you surrre that is a bed orrr a Kitty Jacuzzi?
