Friday, October 12, 2007


This is a story of another all black kittie named Hitchhiker. He was Nanny's kittie and lived almost 17 years. Hitchhiker was quite the character. First, how he got his name. Nanny and mom were on a trip one summer to visit a cousin and attend a wedding in Atlanta. They stopped at a Burger King for a breakfast sandwich one morning. They went to the drive-up window and placed their order and Nanny saw this rather pathetic looking fur ball begging for something to eat as each car drove to the pick-up window. Nanny was worried that the poor thing was going to get killed but mom, who already had three kitties, didn't want another. Nanny kept saying that the baby was going to get run over and mom kept saying "I don't want another cat." Finally, mom asked Nanny if she wanted the baby and she said Yes. So mom picked him up, he didn't even try to run away, and off they went to Atlanta. They stopped on the way and picked up some food, a food dish, litter box, and litter and he knew exactly what to do. As they drove along they decided he was their little Hitchhiker - hence his name. Hitchhiker travelled with Nanny a lot and he was a great companion for her in the car. Nanny who is from Arkansas would drive home every summer and Hitchhiker would make the trips with her. Often he would climb up on her shoulders and just drift off to sleep draped across them as she drove. Once a trucker saw that and the next thing Nanny knows she's the talk on the CB radio. One trucker telling another to "check out" the cat in the black Chrysler. Nanny and Hitchhiker put on a lot of miles together and he loved every minute of it.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dat is a nice story bout how yoor nanna gots her kitty. Poor little thing, he was prolly dumped der by some bad bean!

Anonymous said...

We are so happy that little Hitchhiker got a good home with your nanna. It is sad when little ones are all alone.

Fat Eric said...

My mum wants to thank you for the purrs and good thoughts after her Very Bad Day on Wednesday. She has recovered slightly now and her colleagues bought her some chocolates to show their support. The repercussions of The Incident are still going on and one of her class has been expelled from the school and that is a Good Thing.

Daisy said...

What a great story about Hitchhiker. It makes me happy that your nanna picked up the little Hitchhiker and tooked him home.

Gretchen said...

Awww, what a touching, cute story about Hitchhiker.

It must be something to like riding in a car. I guess he was born to it.


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

That's a wonderful story! I'm so glad for Hitchhiker that your mom and Nanny stopped and picked him up and he had such a wonderful home for the rest of his life. All kitties deserve that.

We're also glad Stray Kitty is feeling better, even if it means he'll pounce you. Stray Kitty, will you be one of our Gotcha-day Guests of Honour?

You guys want to bring anything for guests to nibble on, that would be great, but you don't need to. My OTW decided to go all out because we missed my Big 10 birthday last year because she hadn't convinced me to try blogging yet, and my actual birthday this year because Whisper went to the Bridge.

We can't wait to see you both!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That is a wonderful story! And we unnerstand.

We had a similar one once. The Big Thing stopped to get car gas in the rain on a cold November morning. As he went in to pay, there was a kitty outside in the rain. It ran inside when the door was open. The Big Thing (TBT) told the gas people they should keep the kitty inside in bad weather like that. An they said it wasn't their kitty.

Its a bit too long to repeat here, so we will post about it on our own site.

But we know what you mean...

Skeeter and LC

Lux said...

That's such a nice story - I like reading things like that!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

what a heart warming story! I love it! How adorable!

Christine and FAZ said...

It is so wonderful that Hitchhiker got rescued by such kind people and found such a good fur-ever home. What a happy ending. FAZ

Mr. Hendrix said...

that is a great story. hitchhiker was certainly smart to pick out your nanna. poor baby, all alone there. i'm so glad he found such a great home.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

BREAKER BREAKER that was a delightful story about Hitchhiker and the lady!!!
Love Miss Peachy

Jimmy Joe said...

That is a fun story guys! My momma used to travel sometimes with Scrappy the Cat. He had the spirit of a trucker, she says. Hitchhiker sounds like he was a fun guy.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh how I love happy stories. That is so nice.

PerfectTosca said...

That is like a totally cool story about Hitchhiker. I mean I could just see that little guy begging. Your Nanna was a very nice lady to do that. And it sounds like hitchhiker logged more miles than me. My Mom says black cats are her favorite but she takes whichever cat rings the doorbell. That's how she got Snack. She came home one night and Snack was all small and hungry and sitting in front of the door waiting for her.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that Hitchhiker found a good home.

Parker said...

That is a great story! My Mommy has a friend who drives a big semi with his kitty.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi guys.Come over to my blog.I have an award for you. :)

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

wutta grate storee abowt hitchhiker. i wish i cooda seen him draped over yer nanna'z neck!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

That's a beautiful story! It would have been fun to meet Hitchhiker...I bet he would have lots and lots of travel stories to tell!!
