Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Search Delayed

We may have to delay our search for Christmas presents for a little while. The situation with our neighbor has gotten out of control. Yesterday he was again digging in the ground around the phone and cable line. Mom thinks that he was going to try to cut the lines again but my have gotten bitten by the electricity in the phone line that stopped him short. Mom was smart this time and got photos of him doing the deed. Then just a short while later mom's brother was walking his dog and the neighbor attacked mom's brother. The neighbor was arrested. Since we now have several "incidents" she's going to go back to the State Attorney and see if there is now enough to do something about him. We'll be back!


Tybalt said...

Oh my goodness . . . how awful!

I am purring very hard for you that the whole situation is resolved quickly.


Mickey's Musings said...

Why is that "neighbour" not in a straight jacket!!! He obviously has problems. I purray the Authorities can do something this time. Assult!!! That's terrible :(
Purrs & Hugs Mickey

Mickey's Musings said...

Heeheehee,I'd stick my tongue out at him too!!! :)

Just Ducky said...

Sounds like a crazy man who would do all sorts of crazy things. Stay safe.

muffinmidi said...

How awful.I hope that neighbor stays in jail for a good long time.
Florida is a magnet for nuts.

Lux said...

Omigoodness! I went back and read the other post about your neighbor - that's really skeery!

Parker said...

This guy must look attractive to squirrels!

Jimmy Joe said...

Oh man, buddies, that is bad news to have a Bad Neighbor who is scary like that. I hope he find a different, enclosed neighborhood to live in soon.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Daisy said...

What a big meanie! I do not like that neighbor man one little bit. Something is wrong with him. I am glad you got photos of him in the act. I hope your mom's brother did not get hurted.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are sure glad you got some pictures of The Crazy Neighbor! We hope that solves yer problem.

The Big Thing is wonderin if maybe he has a more serious problem than just diggin at telephone lines... Attackin people jus walkin by seems real serious. Like does he need professional "social help"?

We hope ya finally stop havin those phone/computer disruption problems, though... The Beins that protec other Beins really need to step up an do somethin to stop this.

Anonymous said...

What a weird neighbor! He has some real issues. We can all get together and bite his butt if you want?!

ZOOLATRY said...

Merry Christmas to everyone in the Astor Cats family...

Forty Paws said...

Wow! What a wack job of a neighbor! We sure hope that something can be done about him. It's too bad that he had to assault your uncle before the authorities did something though.

Luf, Us

PB 'n J said...

Oh Jezze - we hope that neighbor stays in jail for a good long time, he sounds crazy! We're purring for you guys that everythign is dealt with as quickly as possible - that way you guys can have a happy holiday!

Shilgiah the Cat said...

I like Henry's idea of biting the weird guy on the butt! Keep us posted and stay safe.

Team Tabby said...

So sorry to hear that you are having serious problems with an unpredictable neighbour. Hope something can be done about his outrageous behaviour.

Moe & Mindy

Leslie said...

Weird neighbours ar NO FUN! We are sorry and feel for you.

We have all come by to wish you a merry Christmas. It's 7.30 on Christmas morning here in Australia.

Have a happy day from Pyewacket and her partner in crime, Trixie.

Also from our other sister (there are three of us) Tigger the FBI Cat.

Mickey's Musings said...

We're still thinking od you!!! Good Luck!! Purrs :)

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Artsy Catsy said...

I bet that neighbor gets coal from Santa Claws! We wish all of you a very Meowy Christmas and a Happy New Year free of your trouble-making neighbor!

& everybody at Artsy Catsy

Karen Jo said...

Now that the weird neighbor is in jail, I hope that he gets some psychological testing. It sounds to me like he needs some help. A very Merry Christmas to all of you!

PerfectTosca said...

My loving little kitties of the Astor family: I wish I could come right over there and bite the crap out of that buy. I am glad he's arrested and you just let me know if you want me to do that crackpot in. When me and some of my doog friends are done with him, he will be too sore to harm you again. Dang, my cat Mojo is furious, and you don't want Mojo furious, let me tell you.

We want you to have Happy Holidays in spite of this goofball. We love you, Astor cats! Arrrrooooooooo!!

Millie said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours! May you have a safe, healthy, and happy day!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Was just catching up on the holiday, had so hoped this had gone away. But it never does. Hopefully, he will be in jail and never get out.
Keep us posted, please. And you are still on the prayer list.